DIED -- At Hartland, on the 31st Jan Deacon DAN DAVISON in the 85th year of his age. It may truly be said of him, 'He came to his grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in, in his season.' He was a soldier in the last French war in America, and when the struggle commenced between Great Britain and America, he was a warm friend to his country, and had two tours in the Revolutionary Army. He was a member of the Legislature of Vermont several years. He was a kind neighbor and a faithful friend. The order and regulations of his family, were exceeded by few, if any in the present age; and great spiritual blessings has he enjoyed in his family. He was a Deacon in the Baptist Church in Hartland, from its first constitution, and one of its main pillars. We think we shall not exaggerate if we say, he lived and died a Christain, in the consciences of all classes of people.--His funeral was attended on the 3d inst. by a great concourse of people. A discourse was delivered on the occasion, by one whom he had appointed, from the words of Elisha when his master was taken away, recorded in II Kings, 11th chap, and a part of the 12th verse 'My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof.'
'Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright; for the end of theta man is peace.'
The death notice immediately following was, coincidentally, one sentence for one of his grandsons, Paul Davison, who died at age 26 in Waterford.
It saddens me that the memory of this man did not survive to my generation. When I began my research, I did not know that any of my ancestors had lived in New England, or that they had fought in wars, or that they were Deacons or even Baptist. Deacon Dan Davison was one of my 4th-great-grandfather on my mother's side.